Recurring error when attempting to link jira sub task ticket with parent ticket through confiforms.

Benjamin Rios December 19, 2023

Hi Atlassian community, I am attempting to link a subtask with a parent task in Confiforms; however, when I go to create the ticket, I am getting the following error:

  • Could not prepare JSON: 

    "project": {"key": "TEST"},

    "parent": { "key": "TEST-3333" },

    "assignee": {"name":"some_person"},
    "priority": {"name": "P1 - Crucial"},
    "issuetype": {"name": "Sub-task"},

    "summary": "Test Ticket: Update expiring information for: Some Person",
    "duedate": "2027-12-19",
    "labels": ["expiration"],

    Invalid format. Expected a ':' after a key at 9 [character 7 line 2]

I am not sure where exactly I am missing a colon, but I believe I have mapped my fields as outlined in:

In any case, if there is something obvious that I am missing, I would much appreciate any help. 


Thank you!

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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January 8, 2025

Have not seen your question earlier (it is somehow put in the "Crowd" product question)

Labelled it with confiforms tags just now... anyway

This must be something with the ConfiForms IFTTT macro and the way the mapping is configured - is it wrapped in the "code" or the "nor format" macro, as it should be or placed "as-is" inside the ConfiForms IFTTT macro body?

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