MySQL Queries to get list of all users in all groups from CROWD

Gaurav Mishra
Rising Star
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March 22, 2013

Hey, We are trying to automate a way where we can get list of all users of all groups, and then remove the deactivated users and get a finalized list. We have 170 groups, so its not easy to do things thru UI.

I was working with bash + querying database. Query to get list of all groups -

#mysql -u$user -p$password --batch -e "use $db; select lower_group_name from cwd_group;"  > /tmp/crowdgroups

And then I wrote a procedure to recursively get all Groups / Childrens of that particular group. This pretty much seems to work for me. I am still searching for loopholes and probability of failure.

One such seems to be the cyclic group thing. Group1 (is member of) Group2, Group2 (is member of) Group3, and then Group3 (is member of) Group1

Any ideas on making this script perfect or other nicer ways to do this? I know there is REST APIs but I did not try them yet.

Procedure is here -
#Find all Users in this group and append it to a file
mysql -u$user -p$password --batch -e "use $db;  select lower_child_name from cwd_membership where membership_type='GROUP_USER' AND lower_parent_name='$1';" | tail -n+2 >> /tmp/mygroups
# Check if Group has children groups in it, if so, run recursive for all groups
if [ `mysql -u$user -p$password --batch -e "use $db; select membership_type,group_type,lower_parent_name, lower_child_name from cwd_membership where membership_type='GROUP_GROUP' AND lower_parent_name='$1';"|wc -l` -ne 0 ]
#echo "$1 has groups in it"
# Find all groups nested in this group 
mysql -u$user -p$password --batch -e "use $db; select lower_child_name from cwd_membership where membership_type='GROUP_GROUP' AND lower_parent_name='$1';"|tail -n+2 > /tmp/tmp_$1
# Go through each group and find all the children in it. 
while read tgroups
findmembers $tgroups

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Gaurav Mishra
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 1, 2013

Well this is gonna be unanswered.

3 votes

This is my MySQL query to find all groups for each directory and their members:

SELECT CD.directory_name AS 'directory',
       CG.group_name AS 'group',
        SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(U.user_name ORDER BY U.user_name ASC SEPARATOR ',')
        FROM cwd_membership M 
          LEFT JOIN cwd_user U ON M.child_user_id =
          LEFT JOIN cwd_group G ON M.parent_id =
        WHERE =
        ) AS 'members'
FROM cwd_group CG
  LEFT JOIN cwd_directory CD ON CG.directory_id =
-- WHERE CD.directory_name = 'Confluence Internal Directory'
ORDER BY CD.directory_name, CG.group_name;
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