Low disk space on device containing temporary directory (/opt/atlassian/jira/temp)

radhika.punchepady January 13, 2021

Hi All,

I'm using official docker image for running Jira in datacenter mode. After starting the instances, I have below error under Instance healthcheck of "Troubleshooting and support tools"

Low disk space on device containing temporary directory (/opt/atlassian/jira/temp) - 2 GB of free space remaining. Index backup and recovery may fail.

This directory is under docker container and do not have much files inside it. I have enough space in shared home as well as jira local home which is mounted to EFS and EBS volumes. Is there anything I can do to troubleshoot and fix this error?




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Brant Schroeder
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January 14, 2021

@radhika.punchepady  The application believes that there is not enough space.  https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/free-space-health-check-fails-in-jira-server-746521878.html  I would suggest checking how large your index is and then making the proper adjustments to ensure that there is enough space available.  

radhika.punchepady March 3, 2021

Thanks Brant for answer. As I was having EFS and additional EBS for home directories, I missed to check root volume in server(that was silly). Resolved issue after extending root volume.  

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