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Integrating Crowd with Bitbucket, Confluence, and Jira but with a twist...

moby_dev April 1, 2019

UPDATE - Solved

Poor documentation notwithstanding, I figure it out by looking in the database to see what was saved before and figuring out what the equivalent choices necessary to make the configuration work.  BTW, the fields that are not covered by the documentation are not necessary to make the config work even in a configuration where the SSL URL is being reverse proxied - something the lower fields allude to.

I have an environment that was purchased from another company.  They had all the components mentioned in the Subject above.  I have installed all of the latest versions of each product, restored the data from backups and can get into each app just fine...except, I cannot integrate Crowd with any of the apps because the data restored had old URLs in the previous company's configuration.

I have tried to add a new directory but the Configure Atlassian Crowd Server is impossible to configure.  By pure blind stumbling luck, I have configured it twice, but I did not write down how I did it.  The crucial section to completing the screen is NOT described in any documentation I can find.  I need answers to EVERY text box on the form!!!

I have all of the apps going through Apache and SSL so I have configured each app's connector to use the reverse proxy.  I have:,,, and

What are the proper answers to Server URL? or or localhost or localhost:8095 or localhost:8095/crowd or any permutation of the SSL variant??? It doesn't matter what I use I get null, can't create crowd client, unrecognized server, or any number of other completely unhelpful responses. The Application Name must be the application name IN CROWD as well as the password... The next section on connections I can understand the defaults.

Those are the only fields described in any documentation I can find. I feel the wheels fall off the cart when I try to enter the proxy information. Is it the proxy information for Crowd? No. Doesn't seem so. The proxy information for Jira or Bitbucket or Confluence? On the SSL side or not?  NOTHING IS CLEAR!!!

How do you fill out out this damn form??? I know that once I add a new directory I can delete the old directory.


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