How to import only specific set of users in the 'External User Importer' functionality in Crowd

Raghuram April 2, 2013

I maintain two user directories

  • Crowd Internal Directory - people who do not have AD access or have problems using AD credentials.
  • Delegated Authentication Directory - Linked to AD which uses AD authentication

Now my question is

How to make sure certain users are not added in the import. We have an issue where set of users for eg a,b,c have problem using atlassian tools by using their AD credentials for which I created the same user names in a crowd internal directory and deleted the users from Delegated Authentication Directory.

Now when I import or update the Delegated Authentication Directory with the AD, it picks up the deleted users and adds them back, which actually triggers a situation where both the directories have now users a,b,c and due to that they have problems logging in JIRA and Confluence.

How to handle this ?

1 answer

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Zul NS _Atlassian_
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 3, 2013

If it is a small number of users, you can creata a User Object Filter to not include some users. If it is a large number of users with a particular AD group, Group Object Filter could help as well. The following links might help:




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