How can I populate fields in Crowd when a user doesn't have a field value in LDAP / Active Directory?

Ali August 11, 2013

Our directory doesn't supply a valid e-mail address, but I'd like to create one automatically when Crowd synchronizes with AD. It would simple append a suffix to the user's ID. How would I go about doing this?

2 answers

2 votes
Rising Star
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September 2, 2013

You would actually have to implement/extend your own version of the, and then change the SpringLdapConnector to use your ContextMapper on its call for the getUserContextMapper().

So it isn't exactly 'easy' at present at the moment to provide this type of feature.

We have pondered with allowing users to provide 'programable attributes' for directory configuration:

eg: emailAddress = ${userName}

Where userName is the value pulled from the user for their name.



Ali September 3, 2013

The "programmable attributes" feature would be great! Of course, I'm new to Crowd admin, but it seems like a great feature. :-)

1 vote
Bruna Griebeler
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 1, 2013

Hi Ali, the only thing I can think is to create a script that does that, or creating a plugin using Atlassian API. Here is the documentation about the API. There's a method called getEmailAddress() that can be used.

Hope it helps!

Kind Regards

Ali September 4, 2013

Thanks, Bruna!

Would that be using, for example, Script Runner for scripting using the Atlassian API? I don't see how to script anything but JIRA. I do see something about using the various REST APIs:

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