Crowd user group separation

Neil Wilson
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May 21, 2014

Is it possible to have user groups logically separated in crowd so they cannon access each others projects, and not be able to see each others projects, users, dashboards or issues?

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Peter Van de Voorde
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May 21, 2014

Hi Neil,

If you make seperate user groups for all your projects and use these groups in the project permissions that should certainly be possible.

For example a user in group A will only have access (and view) project A, while a user in group B will only have access (and view) project B. A user in both groups will view both projects.

For dashboards this can be accomplished by sharing the dashboards only with certain groups or projects.

They will always be able to see the other users, but you could again make it impossible to assign something to those users by using the permission schemes.

Best regards,


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