Crowd and Active Directory connection

Ruwan Mettananda
April 26, 2015

We are planning to migrate our Crowd users to Active Directory. How does Crowd and Active Directory connection configure?

Is there any guide?

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Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 30, 2015

Hi Ruwan,

You need to configure a Delegated Authentication Directory in Crowd:

If this answer was helpful, please allow me to ask you to mark my answer as accepted in order to have it in the top of the thread, also helping other customers.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Felipe Kraemer

Ruwan Mettananda
May 4, 2015

Hi Felipe, Yes your suggestion is helpful for us. I am wondering about associating users to the groups based on their E-Mail domain, without associating them to a different directory. Is there any way to achieve this in Crowd. Is there any configuration need to be happen in AD side? Thanks Ruwan

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