Crowd Server upgrade from upgrade 3.3.3 → 4.4.0 creating new install instead

v8lust October 23, 2021

Followed the normal process ( and in atlassian-crowd.log I can see expected logging of my home (which I have unimaginitively set the Atlassian document example)

Using config directory : /var/crowd-home/shared

References to migrating database tables and then accessing my Active Directory, with

FULL synchronisation complete for directory [ 32770 ] in [ 1835ms ]

So it looked normal and no errors were reported, however, when I go to the URL, it's presenting the setup Crowd dialog

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v8lust October 23, 2021

I selected the set-up button, could not login with AD user, but could log in with the inbuilt admin user, and within the server I can see the user settings, so the migration does appear to have worked. We never use the self-service aspect of Crowd so the inabilty to login won't block us.

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