Crowd SSO only allowing user to access one other application

Nicholas DiCarlo March 20, 2017

I have a VM running crowd 2.7.1, a VM running Confluence 5.4.4, and a third VM running JIRA 6.2.

I have successfully configured both confluence and JIRA to use Crowd for authentication and enabled SSO. My problem is, the SSO will only allow me to automatically authenticate with one of the two other applications in a browser session.

Say I log in to crowd. I can then open up JIRA in another tab and I am automatically authenticated. However, if I then open up Confluence in a third tab it directs me to the login page. After I log in to Confluence, if I log out of any one of the 3 applications I am logged out of all the others as well. 

If I log into crowd again, and this time open up confluence first, I will be automatically authenticated. But then if I open JIRA I am directed to the login page. This pattern holds for any order/combination of applications (If I log into JIRA, then open Confluence I will auto-authenticate, but I am taken to the login page when I try to access Crowd.)

What could be causing this?

2 answers

1 vote
Nicholas DiCarlo March 21, 2017

I figured it out, and am posting here for anyone that has this issue in the future. The problem was a combination of things, but I was able to fix this (and a couple other issues) by enabling authentication caching and adding our load balancers to the list of trusted proxies.

1 vote
Karalee Kikiros
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March 20, 2017

Proxy server causing issues?

Nicholas DiCarlo March 21, 2017

I've thought about that, since it's sitting behind a load balancer, but that still wouldn't explain why it only allows me to auth to one. If neither of them were working then I'd agree, but SSO can force sign off on all three so I don't understand how the reverse isn't true as well.

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