Crowd/Jira synchronization for newly created users

tmv March 30, 2012

We have a Crowd/Jira integration. Whenever we create a new user through the CrowdClient, the user doesn't show up in Jira until the specified Synchronisation Interval which can be set to as low as 1 minute. This situation is also true when creating a user through the Crowd admin console. We require that when a user is created, he is able to be able to log into Jira immediately after the registration process. Is there a way to tell Crowd to sync up with Jira immediately after a user is created in Crowd? Right now after the registration process, we have to ask the user to wait for at least 1 minute before he can access Jira.

I'm on Crowd version Version: 2.3.6 (Build:#528 - 12-12-2011) by the way, but the Affects Version said that version is invalid for some reason so I have to choose 2.4.0.

1 answer

1 vote
Deleted user March 30, 2012


We have the same problem and after a long discussion around a support issue, the support team admitted that it is a bug and has been created.

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