Crowd Delegated Authentication auto create user

November 28, 2011

We have recently moved to Delegated Authentication because the main LDAP Directory is too big( 50k+ users ), to be directly used in Crowd.

The Problem we are facing now is in Crowd 2.1.1 is, if a user does a successful authentication in any of the application, a user is automaticaly created( even though he might not have any access and he might not even be granted any access in future). So this will create a lot of unnecessary users in Crowd.

I checked the database table cwd_directory_attribute and found this attribute "" with a value "true", and I think this is the thing which is creating the users.

Now my question is, if I just change it to false, will it stop creating the users and do I need to restart Crowd server and do we have any other neat/clean way to do this or this is the only solution.

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Stefan Bauer
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August 19, 2012

Hi Gaurav,

You have different fields at configuration tab of directory connection.
These are mapping attributes provided by Active Directory through LDAP interface to your Crowd database.
"User Display Name Attribute" is used displaying concatinated naem in the list.
"User First Name Attribute" and "User Last Name Attribute" is diplayed in user details.

Try different field names for mapping for "User Display Name Attribute" usual attribute names are "fn" or "displayName".

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