Cleaning up Crowd server

Deleted user June 18, 2019


The Admin of our Atlassian platform just fell into my lap with some unexpected staffing changes. And as luck would have it...there is an alarm that the server (Linux VM) HDD is at 98%. Did some research and deleted some old log files but did not gain much space from those. My guess is there is/are other directories that could be deleted/archived. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I will be super appreciative. 

Thank you



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Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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June 18, 2019

It seems unlikely that Crowd is the cause of your storage issues. It doesn't really store much data in disk.  Have a look at the installation instructions for Crowd. This will help you figure out where all the Crowd files and home directory are located.  I would only delete logs in those directories, keeping in mind that some logs may be in use (so if you delete them, you will not see space freed up while they are in use.) You might check cron jobs and cron.d to see if there is a nightly backup job that doesn't ever delete backups. That's a space hog that we see commonly.

Deleted user June 18, 2019

Thank you Dave. Checking these now.

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