Changing Crowd password in confluence

rahul_hyundai February 15, 2019

we are using crowd and confluence application together, where users are added in crowd and from their confluence is accessing, but we have given read/write in Crowd/confluence Directory, but when we are trying to change the password from confluence, we are unable to change the password either

by changing the password or forget the password

is it possible to get able to use change password from confluence 

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 21, 2019

When you have Confluence or Jira using Crowd to manage your users, those user accounts cannot be reset from these other applications.  You can only change/reset the user passwords from within Crowd.  There are details about doing this in Crowd: Changing your Password - Atlassian Documentation

From that page:

If you are authorized to use Crowd, you can log in to Crowd's Self-Service Console and change your password, as described below. If you have forgotten your password or your username, you can ask Crowd to email your username and reset your password.

That said I did come across a feature request for Confluence to automatically redirect users to Crowd when they either forget password or want to change it. Please see for more details.

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