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Are there instructions on how to install Crowd via CLI?

Allen Jones July 23, 2019

Are there instructions on how to install cloud via CLI on Redhat?  We dont have a graphical interface on our server (and would like to keep it this way if we can)

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Shankar Asam {Appfire}
Rising Star
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July 24, 2019

Hi Allen,

On redhat console, you download crowd binaries with wget or curl and modify the config files to change port number (if required), home path, java path and then start the crowd.

To complete further installation, you just bring up browser from your local mac or pc and point it to your redhat server ex: http://redhat-server-ip:port and then complete further installation.

There is no graphical interface is required for above steps.



Allen Jones July 25, 2019

While these were pretty cursory, brief instructions, I was looking for something more step by step.  I was disheartened to see that some of the psql/postgresql and java_home/JRE_HOME requirements were not documented  in an accessible doc.  Instead, I searched the community for answers as I encountered each error.  That’s a frustrating way to start a project.

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