CROWD UI Internationalization support for end users

Greg Lev June 6, 2024

There is a long-ago feature request from 2007, when CROWD end users had minimal connections with CROWD itself, logging in to the connected applications directly. Thus, the mentioned request was not so important at that time.

But with CROWD SSO arrival, situation has changed dramatically - once you configure CROWD SSO auth method in JIRA, Confluence etc., end users will have the deepest connection with CROWD UI - login page, forgot your password pages etc. 

Since CROWD supports only English language, it becomes an issue for none-English speaking countries, such as KZ, for example. I would love to provide my end users with an option to operate with CROWD UI in their native language, but there is no option for that.

There is an article Creating a new translation for Crowd ( at Atlassian Developer pages, but this method covers only Console translation, Profile page translation, but not the general UI including the pages I have mentioned above.

Dear colleagues, any thoughts on the subj?

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