Just trying to get a sense of scale: Is there any upper-bound on the number of pages a single space can contain? Even if the code does not impose limits, any practical limits you've seen in you...
Hi guys. I have the bubbles plugin installed but the macros aren't working. It doesn't give me an error but nothing seems to show up.
We need to make it possible for all of our users to be able to access the information in our KnowledgeBase at all times, even when traveling. We currently use Exchange Public Folders and these are s...
I've recently installed Confluence 3.5.7 on my linux box, and I cannot install Plugins. UPM does not list any plugins, and when I tried to install by uploading .jar plugin files manually, Uploading "...
Other than the hide-if or toggle-cloak macros, is there a way to hide part of a wiki page based on a condition. In this case I want to display one link if the page has a child page and a different l...
I am trying to make a copy of a space, by following the procedure here but I am getting a failure message indicating a duplicate primary key. I have been very careful to confirm that I have modified ...
When i embed a calendar and choose list view, only 2 weeks of data is displayed. How can i extend this to display more data? It would be great if it could be based on entries rather than date range (...
Hi, We have installed confluence version 3.5.6 and german language pack v 1.19.1. Everything seems fine - except when I creat e new space - default page title of homepage is set to Home instead of ...
...ession that contains this: jdbc:mysql://localhost/confluence?autoReconnect=true&sessionVariables=storage_engine%3DInnoDB MySQL does not much care for the %3D bit, and the database setup c...
I am testing to upgrade confluence from 3.1.1 to 3.5.9 on our test server I now have it setup for single sign on with crowd. I would like for test purposes to turn this of, so confluence handles u...
In the Administration Console, under System Information, there's a section called "Usage Statistics". That table lists a count for "Content (all versions)" and "Content (current versions)". What is...
I got the below exception when running the UWC commandline java class I verified with my admin that the XML RPC is enabled , Borrowers URL for the Confluence Wiki is http://<servername>:<p...
We have developed a small, simple plugin for Confluence. However, when we try to install the plugin on Confluence 3.4.9, we are receiving the following error: Invalid anti-XSRF token provided. Th...
...ontributors-summary: java.lang.NullPointerException'. {contributors-summary:spaces=xyz|groupby=pages|columns=edits,lastupdates|order=update|reverse=true|limit=10|page=XXX|scope=children} It o...
Hi Guys, Im having drama's with the Autowatch feature in confluence. See here for a background: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Subscribing+to+Email+Notifications+of+Updates+to+Conflu...
Hello, I want to find the home Directory of my confluence, so i found the path in the admin-console : C:/data/confluence . Im a bit confused now, because i installed confluence on ubuntu and cant...
As mentioned above - our TWiki install is on a Win2K server. I tried to run the UWC gui via the uwc.bat file, howvever I only saw the black DOS window appear and stay on screen. The UI never kicked...
Hi. I'm working as a trainee for Airbus in France, and I have to do a wiki for my department. This wiki must simplify the access to the multiple files used by the department people. Then, I've be...
Been trying to use the date-filter macro in the Reporting plug in and can't seem to get a filter to get comments from only the last seven days to appear. Any help on this issue is greatly appreciat...
Hi, Wondering if it possible to upgraded confluence from ear/war to standalone, is this possible any road blocks or gothca I should watch for? Thanks J
Hello, We had a slight customisation to the standard Documentation scheme on our Confluence site, which seems to have been lost during an upgrade to v3.5. Our site logo is quite wide, and the cha...
Hi, I know i already sent this question to you but as of today i cannot locate it anywhere. Anyway, my question is: is it possible to have confluence direct me to the exact location of my...
I have a requirement to block / redact or at the very minimum provide the ability to report and alert administrators when certain terms are published within confluence pages. I appreciate that in ge...
Hi, I know that thee is a doc about it, but it is very buggy and doesn't seem to do the work properly (tested on v3.5.7). In my organization I need to move all the users to a new Active-D...
I want to modify one css file of Conflunce 3.5.9 which is as below: s/zh/2166/1/5/_/download/superbatch/css/batch.css Please help me out to find the real location of it on the CentOS 6.0 machine....
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