width problems: code section inside panel section

Thomas Ehardt
June 22, 2011

I am trying to create a document with two columns: the first one being code and the second being a description of that code.

The basic setup is this:

h1. Code column
// code goes here
h1. Explanation column
_something useful goes here_

The problem is that if the text in the {code} section is wider than the column, it will cause the column to take up size accordingly instead of keeping the block at 50%.

Has anyone else run into this issue and/or does anyone have a workaround?

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David at David Simpson Apps
Atlassian Partner
June 22, 2011

The problem is that by default, table cells expand to the size of their contents.

This kind of thing should do the trick:

<style> table.sectionMacro { table-layout: fixed; } </style>
You'd need to add it to the custom stylesheet -- either in Space Admin or Confluence Admin.

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