when admin user add a user into space then that user profile is automatically changed why ?

d_b_kumar_chauhan March 14, 2024

Hi All,

We have migrated confluence user into internal directory. After migrating user we are facing one problem when an admin user is add any user into space then space page is refreshed and when I checked the profile of user then we get other APP id in the profile. Can anyone help me on same why we are facing this issue ?

before adding user profile.pngAfter_add_Spacepermission.png

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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March 14, 2024

I'm not sure I understand.  Are you saying the admin adds user "Kumar ..." and it appears as the user "A45210Conf..."?  

If so, I'm lost at what would cause that.  Can you elaborate?

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