what happens after (server) confluence license expired?

Koh Tze Hong May 29, 2020

what happens after (server) confluence license expired?

edit: (server)


1 answer

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Ollie Guan
Community Leader
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May 29, 2020

Hi @Koh Tze Hong ,

What kind of instance?

  • Server
  • Data Center
  • Cloud
Koh Tze Hong May 29, 2020


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Ollie Guan
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May 29, 2020

After the first 12 months, your software maintenance will expire and you will no longer be able to receive technical support or software updates.

As all Server licenses are perpetual*, you can use your software into perpetuity. This means the server product will continue to operate in its current state after the maintenance period expires.

What happens when the included maintenance ends?

Koh Tze Hong May 29, 2020



is jira core, jira software and jira service desk license also perpetual?  

Ollie Guan
Community Leader
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May 31, 2020

Your initial purchase entitles you to perpetual use of the software and includes 12 months of software maintenance – access to new software releases/enhancements.

Jira Software


Jira Core


Jira Service Desk


If you still feel confused about this, try to contact the support team.



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