struggling with auto complete

john walter March 25, 2012

OK, add me to the list of disgruntled developers over the RTE. I can not get the macros to do anything working outside of the macro dialog box (which is very slow and mouse dependent). I can not get anchor links to work. can not see what the hell im doing wrong and im getting really fed up. The vidoes on auto complete make like it magically converts text to the associated macro...not so for me. I can not feed any parameters into the typed text, else it just renders as the typewritten code...

The docs say I can just type in wiki markup and it will convert tables, links etc, but not so

For instance,

if I type {content

I get the macro suggest box for content by label, fine, but if i want to just quickly add the label, i.e. {content by label | labels=test}, all i get is the unconverted wiki. same for links - if i want to start a link and include the text its supposed to display, therse no way for me to complete this without the box coming up. Also, i can not get the anchor for the current page to come up, even though i've tried 6 ways from sunday to have is show, - i can not search for anchors on a page...

really making me slam the mouse - i really get the frustration of wiki markup developers to have to use this RTE....and the best comment i heard from someone is how you used the markup not just for create mode, but for edit mode as well. I downloaded the source editor beta, but theres no indicator for how to use it, not obvious anyway, and im trying desperately to get some emergency docs finished and all i get is clunky program action.

and while im on the rant, where is the support? this is my third request on a third topic- and though others have viewed my questions, theres no answers - this isnt just a user forum, right? isnt this the official support method from Atlassian?

Help me please before my computer screen gets a mouse through it.


2 answers

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Andrew Frayling
Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 26, 2012


Which version of Confluence are you using? The auto-complete magic in the videos was only implemented in version 4.1.2, if you're on an earlier 4.x version unfortunately you either have to insert the macros using the Insert menu or just type {contentbylabel} (with no parameters) to generate the macro placeholder and then click edit on the placeholder to enter the parameters that you want. Clunky I know, but unfortunately that's how it works in 4.x versions prior to 4.1.2.

For anchors, headings are automatically given an ID attribute so they can be used as an anchor without having to specifically insert an anchor. Just mentioning in case you weren't aware. For creating the link to the anchor, unfortunately the behaviour is the same as for other macros in that in versions prior to 4.1.2 you cannot just enter the wiki syntax for the link in the editor you have to do it via the menus and dialog boxes.

For the source code editor it's only compatible with version 4.1.5 and above and on versions lower than this it appears to install ok, but you don't get the edit source icon in the editor. The source editor is useful for what it is, but I don't think it would help with what you're trying to do here as what it allows you to do is edit the XHTML storage format, which is completely different to wiki markup and a lot slower to enter - have a look at for a table of what you enter in wiki markup and what the equivalent it in the XHTML storage format. The source editor is desinged to allow you to tweak formatting oddities rather than as a means of quick content entry.

Sorry this is not more helpful, but if you're on a version prior to 4.1.2 then unfortunately you're stuck with the clunky menus and mouse method of content entry until you can upgrade (which I appreciate is not a trivial undertaking). If you are on 4.1.2+ already then I would suggest raising a support ticket via or as the auto-complete magic should just work in this version and above.

Sorry again for what is probably bad news, I hope it at least explains things so you can stop going around in circles?


john walter March 26, 2012

thanks that does help - i was thinkin i was crazy with not having it behave as i was seeing on the video. Will upgrade - cant be too hard, this install is only about 4 months old, no??

Andrew Frayling
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 26, 2012

An upgrade is pretty straightforward from a technical point of view, just make sure you have backups (just in case) and follow the instructions at

I said it wasn't trivial because if it's a production instance with lots of users and lots of 3rd party plugins you have to schedule downtime, check that the 3rd party plugins still work etc., so more of a process headache than a technical one.

After you've upgraded you should find things a lot easier as auto-complete will work as shown in the videos. The rich text editor isn't perfect, but there are improvements with every point release to try and address some of the issues that made certain tasks slower than the old wiki markup.


john walter March 26, 2012

thanks Andrew, it shouldnt be hard to upgrade -we are a new user and its just me and a couple of IT guys using it now.

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Adam Saint-Prix
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 25, 2012

I don't have RTE vs. Wiki Markup editor tips to offer, but I can tell you that this is not the official channel for Atlassian Support. And although Atlassian staff moderate, monitor and often provide answers to user questions, technically speaking, this is just a user forum.

If you want support you need to file a JIRA ticket with the support team at Alternatively, you can do so directly from Confluence if you have admin rights:

Browse>Confluence Administration>Administration>Atlassian Support Tools

john walter March 25, 2012

thanks, will do. any other advice here is appreciated.

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