sending emails to my confluence spaces

Steve Hastings August 29, 2018

Hi there, as a new user of Confluence can anyone tell me please how I can send emails to my confluence spaces. That is, I want to record that email as for example a page in one of my spaces. Many thanks, Steve

2 answers

2 votes
Hendrik Winter September 20, 2020

Hi @Steve Hastings ,

since sending emails is a recurring topic and there are already several forum posts and tickets, we took the effort to collect all available information about this in a single blog post. You can find the blog post here.

Short version:
There was very limited build-in support for Confluence Server versions 4.0 or lower.

The plugin is the way to go if you’re using Confluence Cloud, Server or DC. (Disclaimer: I’m one of the developers)

The plugin offers a broad range of features:

  • You’re able to persist a huge amount of emails, like mailboxes, newsletters, mailing groups, and conversations.

  • You’re able to persist automated reports. For example, if you generate Jira reports weekly, you can persist them in Confluence with our plugin.

  • You have very precise control over which Spaces or Pages emails should be published under.

  • Send Pages, Posts, and Comments via email.

I hope this helps you.




0 votes
Victor Mutambuki
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 30, 2018


Please checkout SendEMailTo Page plugin.


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