restricting pages even from Administrators

sn February 13, 2018

Hi all,

users of Confluence 5.10 server.

My team is the administrators to Confluence and we have restricted creating spaces to just our team ( for now) and providing users with Space Admin right as needed.

There is a case where one team wants to store passwords and only very limited users be able to view these pages.. If we restrict even the space admins, Confluence admins, what happens when there are issues with the space and admins cannot get into them to fix it.

thanks !

2 answers

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Igor M.
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 13, 2018



If you are members of the built-in confluence-administrators group, then it's impossible to restrict any space or page from this group, as this group is a special group Global Permissions Overview

So as long as you have an account in that group, you can't remove permissions from this account.

If you do want to restrict admins from certain sensitive pages, you need to create a separate group and move them there, remove them from confluence-administrators give it space admin permissions and then that group can be restricted from access to certain pages.

Hope this is clear, if not, let me know



Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 13, 2018

Although, even if you restrict them, they can still give themselves access.

Igor uses the word "impossible".  It is the right word here.  If you need to hide things from your Confluence System admins, you need to do it by storing the data in another system that they don't have access to.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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February 13, 2018

Whilst you can restrict pages, an admin can always change the restrictions, as they can't do their job without that right.

So, no.  Keep your passwords in proper password safe software.

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