restore permissions to Confluence space

Adrian S.
I'm New Here
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November 20, 2018

Hi, I accidentally deleted the permissions for space in Confluence. I have a backup of the entire server. How can i check the permissions for this space? Not restoring the entire server. Are they saved in the file?

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Adrian S.
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 20, 2018

"You can go back into space permissions and check or uncheck permissions that users need." - It is not so easy because there are several dozen users. I gave the groups permission, as far as I remembered. I thought that from the backup files you can read it without running the entire server.

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Victor Mutambuki
Rising Star
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November 20, 2018


Deleted space permissions? 

You can go back into space permissions and check or uncheck permissions that users need.

Are you giving users space permissions as a group or individually?


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