I need to change to replace / add page properties.
First I tried to use the page properties directly: myPage.getProperties().setLongProperty(“extranetPageId”,pageid)....
but it no longer persists the property :(
Then I tried another way: myPage.replaceContentProperties(props) but I received an error: Cannot find matching method com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page#replaceContentProperties(com.atlassian.confluence.content.ContentProperties). Check that the declared type is correct and that the method exists.
Finally, I use the ContentPropertyManager class: contentPropertyManager.setTextProperty(myPage, “extranetPageId”, pageid.toString())
It seems to work, but. I don't see this poprety in the DB in the “contentproperties” table. What is the correct way to replace/add page properties?
I am using version 8.5