"The editor didn't load this time" error when trying to edit a page

Miso Kim
I'm New Here
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July 31, 2018

Hello, Users.

My company use Confluence server for work, I use it almost everyday until last friday.

From last friday, when I edit or upload some page, Confluence throws Error message

"The editor didn't load this time.
The connection timed out. If it happens again, speak to your Confluence admin. You may be using a proxy server that prevents WebSocket connections.

But this situation occur only my PC.

I try other PC to edit page, it successfully updated.

I usually use Firefox, but try at IE, Chrome. Same error popup.



What should I do?

1 answer

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Shankar Asam {Appfire}
Rising Star
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August 1, 2018

Hi Miso,

If this is an error related to a single user (like you), then try using different browsers and test it. If you've already done that, try clearing cache and cookies in your browsers and verify the same. You could also try checking this issue from different locations just to see if its a network issue (home / office). Try checking to see if you have any firewall / anitvirus software blocking access to the site. The following URL might helpful as well.





Miso Kim
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 1, 2018

Thank you, Shankar Asam.

I try to use firefox, IE, Chrome, but it did'n work T^T

Also as your recommend, I try to use after clearing cache and cookies... but it also not work.

I use "Adaware" for antivirus software, I can't find how to setting likes "Trusted URLs"..


Again, Thank you for answer kindly.

Shankar Asam {Appfire}
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 2, 2018

Hi Miso,

If you are unable to find a way to add "trusted URLs", would you try to disable the anti virus temporarily and check the status of the issue. I believe this is causing the issue.



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