I am using theV2 of the Cloud API and am seeing different results when querying for a page by id and pages in space. I am using the Postman Collection from https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/confluence/rest/v2/intro.
I have a page hierarchy of:
Legal Page 1
Legal Page 2
I use 2 different API endpoints:
* /wiki/api/v2/pages/:id?body-format=atlas_doc_format
* /wiki/api/v2/spaces/:id/pages?sort=title&body-format=atlas_doc_format
Each page uses the excerpt extension to represent a synopsis of the page, to be displayed in my app. The excerpt has been changed numerous times now, but when I use the Pages in Space, I always get an old version of the text in the response, yet when I use the Page by Id endpoint, I get the right value.
I have check that the page status is current and that the page id's match and they do, so it can't be that. I have checked any trashed pages and purged them, so it cannot be that either.
This is what I should get and do by getting the page by ID:
"type": "doc",
"content": [
"type": "bodiedExtension",
"attrs": {
"layout": "default",
"extensionType": "com.atlassian.confluence.macro.core",
"extensionKey": "excerpt",
"parameters": {
"macroParams": {},
"macroMetadata": {
"macroId": {
"value": "00054190-c178-45cf-bb67-46e0198ddda0"
"schemaVersion": {
"value": "1"
"title": "Excerpt"
"localId": "e526e023-d3b7-4177-91e3-3467ad360faa"
"content": [
"type": "paragraph",
"content": [
"text": "Legal guidance for use of our data and services",
"type": "text"
"type": "paragraph"
"version": 1
this is what I get from the pages in space (edited down of course:
"type": "doc",
"content": [
"type": "bodiedExtension",
"attrs": {
"layout": "default",
"extensionType": "com.atlassian.confluence.macro.core",
"extensionKey": "excerpt",
"parameters": {
"macroParams": {},
"macroMetadata": {
"macroId": {
"value": "774b2493-62ad-4411-9a07-1c94f1a950da"
"schemaVersion": {
"value": "1"
"title": "Excerpt"
"localId": "3e0f1cc8-5285-4a3f-94da-7570ea195a8b"
"content": [
"type": "paragraph",
"content": [
"text": "This is the Legal Excerpt",
"type": "text"
"type": "paragraph"
"version": 1
I do notice that the macroId and localId are different and must be pointing to different objects, resulting in this issue.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this inconsistency. I would like to avoid having to make a separate call for each page as there are hundreds and potentially thousands of pages to come along and will be very slow.