onClick function works in Preview, not in Saved copy

Steven Staton
I'm New Here
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June 6, 2012

I added an anchor to a page (top of page) and the following HTML (raw) to a point further down the page:

<input type="button" onClick="window.location.href='#top'" value="Top of Page" />

When I 'preview' the page, clicking on the button takes me to the top of the page, as expected. After I 'save' the page, the button does not work. Is there something in the actual page that is blocking the Javascript action? How can I unlock this feature?

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Remo Siegwart
Rising Star
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June 7, 2012

It should work, you just need to reload the page after saving.

I tested it successfully with the following code:

&lt;h1 id="top"&gt;Test&lt;/h1&gt;


&lt;input type="button" onClick="window.location.href='#top'" value="Top of Page" /&gt;

Hope this helps

Steven Staton
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 7, 2012

Adding the 'id' to a DOM element near the top was the missing piece. Thanks!

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