need email addres reset for user.

Jennifer Jones
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January 10, 2024

We had two Atlassian integrations, one is oldcompany1 (example)


and I have email <> that is associated with this.


and we were purchased by another company... 


they have their own jira integration, and so we have been seeking to merge.


During the merge, the old data was left at <old>... 


and my account over there was left,


and i've specified the password, as the same for some many many years.... I was recently asked to change my password... and I was unable to change it because my currently KNOWN password did not succeed.


NOW- I am unable to reset my 'old jira' password, and multiple issues raised with the jira admin have been unadressed.




problem is> I want my 'old jira' email to be changed to my personal email address, so i can reset it at my leisure in the future...


Please help




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Brant Schroeder
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April 26, 2024

@jennifer.jones welcome to the Atlassian community

The account you are referencing is a managed account so the company that owns that will have to help you change the password or change the email address on the account so you can own it and change it.

As described in this documentation, these would be the steps to change the e-mail address of a managed account:

  1. From your organization at, select Directory > Managed accounts.

  2. Next to an individual account, click Show details to open the managed account’s page.

  3. From the Email address field, enter the updated email address and click the checkmark.

  4. We’ll email the user to verify the change. Until then, you’ll continue to manage this account with the original email address.

About the consequences:

  1. If the new email address selected has a domain you haven’t verified, we’ll remove these accounts from your organization, although they can still access your site if you allow unmanaged accounts to do that. 
  2. Any Atlassian Access security policies will no longer apply after the user verifies the change.
  3. Once the user is properly configured to access the site, all their product settings (Permissions, Issues assigned, etc) will be kept.

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