importing wiki markup text files

John Aitken September 4, 2011

We want to create in Confluence an inventory of our company database tables and their associated fields.

We are able to generate by script the wiki markup code we need to represent all fields in each of the database tables. Is there a way to import this raw text as a single or multiple files and create one page per database table, which will pre-fill and/or include/assign the following information?

  • Confluence page title
  • Page description heading and content in main body of page
  • confluence page label

As we need to create >200 tables and therefore pages, a simple way of doing this would be a great help!

thanks in advance


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Bob Swift (personal)
Rising Star
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September 4, 2011

Confluence Command Line Interface has actions that will help with that.

John Aitken September 4, 2011

thx Bob, I'll share with the dbase guys and test it out.

John Aitken September 4, 2011

A couple of questions:

Does this mean that we need command line access to the JIRA hosted environment so that we can import the text files? If yes, how do we do that?

Do we install the plugin ourselves or is this something Atlassian needs to install on the JIRA Studio hosted environment on our behalf?



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