how to set smtp mail server infomation

Kihyun Kim August 28, 2018

my colleage send me these information for smtp mail server setting


ip :

domain : xxxxxx

id : my_uid

pw : my_pwd


so, I set these on my confluence server at mail server page, but I got an Authentication unsuccessful error message.

could you let me know how to configure or is there any other way?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 29, 2018

No, there's no "other way", you need to get the credentials correct.

I would want to check that the server is listening on the right port and will authenticate properly.  If you can log in to the Confluence server, then from the command line, try a simple

telnet 25

If you get an email login prompt, try the credentials.  Note the error messages and then talk to your colleague about it.

Kihyun Kim August 29, 2018

Firstly, thank you @Nic Brough -Adaptavist-

I already tested telnet with ip and port. It worked.

But, I cannot send mail for test on confluence mail server setting page.

If i configure information correctly, what should I check with my colleage? 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 29, 2018

Did you test it from the Confluence server?  It's not uncommon for email services to be configured to avoid spam from servers, so while your laptop can log in, your servers can't.

Next test though - go to Confluence -> Admin -> Mail servers, and look for your smtp server, then to the right for "send test email".  Use that to send one to yourself, and check the error messages you get in the log box.

Kihyun Kim August 29, 2018

Oh my god...

This is solved. It's just my colleage's mistake.

The server ip is not added to allowance list on mail server.

I really appriciate to @Nic Brough -Adaptavist-

Thanks alot.

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