how to map all the spaces exists in my organization

daniel ben zaken October 25, 2023

i would like to map all the spaces in my organization- 
space name and its premissions.

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Valerie Knapp
Community Leader
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October 26, 2023

Hi @daniel ben zaken , thanks for your question.

You can use the Spaces List macro to display all the spaces in your instance - Insert the spaces list macro | Confluence Cloud | Atlassian Support

But, with this, you don't see the permisisons, just like this - 


Would this meet your requirement? You can also configure the macro to show spaces by category so you could have the same macro with different configurations to show different groupings. What are you hoping to obtain by showing the permissions?

daniel ben zaken October 26, 2023

Hi Valerie, thanks for your answer :)
I wish to map al the spaces' permissions because we are moving to work with permission per group instead of per user.

So I'd like to have a list of all spaces and their users.

Valerie Knapp
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 26, 2023

Hi @daniel ben zaken , I don't think this will be possible without an app.

Explore apps for Atlassian products | Atlassian Marketplace

If you do a search, there are a few options, and if you just need to do an analysis, probably you can just use the free trial for a month.


Hope this helps.

Roma Bubyakin November 9, 2023

Hi @daniel ben zaken 

I'm from Wombats Corp marketplace partners.
As @Valerie Knapp said 3rd party plugins could do it.

We have already developed a User Macro for Confluence Cloud app for custom macro development.

Here is an example of how you can show Space Permissions with it.

It listed all global spaces (excluding personal) in a sortable table with their permissions. You can modify the view and the data based on your needs by updating the template.

Space Permissions with User Macro.png

Template for that:

## Get all spaces
#set($spaces = $ConfluenceManager.get("/wiki/api/v2/spaces?type=global&limit=250&include-icon=true"))

table class="aui aui-table-sortable">

      <th>Space name</th>
      <th>Author name</th>
      <th>Date created</th>


    #foreach($space in $spaces.results)
    #set($user = $ConfluenceManager.get("/wiki/rest/api/user?accountId=$space.authorId"))
    #set($createdAt = $StringUtils.substringBefore($space.createdAt, "T"))
    #set($icon = $StringUtils.remove($space.icon.path, "/wiki") )

      <td><img src="$baseUrl$icon" width="15"><a href="$baseUrl$space._links.webui">$</a></td>
      <td><a href="$baseUrl/people/$user.accountId">@$user.displayName</a></td>



I would be happy to assist you with any questions.
Regards, Roman

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