how to create an anchor tag line with target=_blank in confluence links

jim mason November 5, 2018

how to create an anchor tag line with target="_blank" in confluence links

Confluence links syntax doesn't appear to provide a way to set the target frame.

2 answers

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jim mason November 8, 2018

Thanks Shannon but unfortunately supporting anchor tags means that the target attribute is part of that standard.  I'll look for other options.

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 7, 2018

Hi Jim,

There's not a way to do this with Confluence Cloud by default, and it was previously requested as a feature request but is not in the upcoming roadmap:

I would recommend having a look at the following third party add-on, as it might provide a way for you to target how links open:

I'm not personally familiar with this add-on, but it was recommended in our feature request as an alternative.



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