how do I get Insert Jira Issue to work in Confluence?

Kris W September 12, 2011

I have Confluence 3.5.9 and Jira 4.4. I have set up Jira to trust Confluence using AppLinks.

In Confluence, when editing a page, I can click the Jira button to insert a Jira issue. But:

When Recently Views is highlighted, it says "No search results found."

When Create New Issue is highlighted, the dropdowns have no options. There are no projects in Projects and nothing in Issue Type.

When Search is highlighted, if I enter a search term, it says "The JIRA server didnt understand your search query. If you entered JQL, please ensure that its correctly formed. If you entered an issue key, ensure that it exists and you have permission to view it."

What do I need to do to get this working?

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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September 12, 2011

When you setup Applinks, have you given the ip addresses? Try removing it because JIRA and Confluence both have applinks plugin installed.

Kris W September 13, 2011

I can't edit the IP patterns or URL patterns.

Jira has nothing in the IP Patterns or URL patterns under Outgoing Auth. Under Incoming Auth there's 1 IP pattern and a bunch of URL patterns, the ones mentioned in the documentation.







Each on a separate line. But I can't edit either field. When I click and start typing, nothing happens.

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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September 13, 2011

If you scroll down, you will see a 'Modify' button. Click on it and then you can change the ip patterns and urls.

Kris W September 14, 2011

Thanks for pointing out the modify button.

I removed the IP patterns and it's working now -- thank you.

Martin Herzog
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November 26, 2012

You da man. That was my problem. Thanks.

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Roman Samorodov
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November 16, 2016

Try to turn on the oauth authentication in both JIRA and Confluence.
In JIRA go to Application Links click Edit -> Outgoing Authentication -> Oauth and click Enable.
The same steps for Incoming Authentication in JIRA.
Also you should do the same in Confluence.

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Azwandi Mohd Aris
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September 13, 2011

I'd check if the server base URL is correctly set both in JIRA and Confluence. If that does not help, review the atlassian-confluence.log for any related error messages.

If you are using trusted app for outoging authentication, make sure that the same username has access in JIRA.

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