formmail-ng not working

Matt Clemens July 20, 2015

After we upgraded confluence to version 5.8.5 and upgraded the add-on to 4.3.2 the form mails that we have are not working.  The pages load and you can put in all the information but when you press the submit button nothing happens.  The page does not attempt to do anything at all and no errors are generated in the confluence logs.  I tried disabling and re-enabling the add-on but this did not resolve the issue.

1 answer

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Divya Margani [Adaptavist] July 21, 2015

Hi @Matt Clemens,

Hope this finds you well. Firstly, could you please confirm the versions of Confluence & Form Mail that you were previously on. 

Based on the information given by you, I recommend you to check if the Mail Servers have been configured. Since Form Mail version 4.1, the plugin has changed considerably and we suggest you to take a look at our documentation and make sure you haven't missed anything. 

If the issue still continues, we suggest you to create a support request via the Contact form on our website so that we can handle this enquiry through our formal process and ensure we can address this matter correctly.

Contact Form :

We will troubleshoot this with you to isolate the cause and find the appropriate solution. 

If you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to ask us.



Divya Margani

Support & QA Analyst | Adaptavist

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