export file from Confluence

Іван Андрєєв September 9, 2022

When exporting a file from Confluence, is it possible to see its previous image and edit the fields in the document?

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Andy Gladstone
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September 9, 2022

@Іван Андрєєв can you elaborate? Are you exporting a page, or an attachment from a page? If you are referring to exporting a page, you will only get the current page in the export (PDF/Word) without any link to page history or previous images. If you need to export a previous version of the page you will need to revert to that version in the page history context - but be careful since reverting to a previous version will erase all newer versions of the page.

I hope this helps.

Іван Андрєєв September 9, 2022

@Andy Gladstone  Hi

I'm about exporting the page. I need a view of the page, what it will look like after export, and if this view does not suit me, then adjust the size of the page fields.

Andy Gladstone
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September 9, 2022

If that is the case, you can just click on the ellipsis (...) on the top right of the page and export as many times as you want while you edit the page. You may also need to adjust the PDF export properties under Space Settings to get the right look and feel.


Іван Андрєєв September 12, 2022

unfortunately, I didn't see there an easy way to change the size of the document fields.

Andy Gladstone
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September 12, 2022

I'm sorry @Іван Андрєєв, but what do you mean by document fields? You can change the margins and orientation of the PDF. Are you trying to adjust specific fields within the Confluence page and how they are exported to PDF? If so, you are correct that you cannot make micro-adjustments of this sort.

Іван Андрєєв September 13, 2022

There are different formats of A4 A5 paper sheets, I would also like to customize the sheets for myself and have the opportunity to review the editing option before exporting.

Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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September 13, 2022

If that is the case, you need to adjust these settings in the PDF Stylesheet section. Documentation for this can be found here: 


and here:


Іван Андрєєв September 16, 2022

After editing the style sheet according to the informational materials, the page is exported in the wrong format, maybe you can tell me what is wrong.Снимок экрана 2022-09-16 в 15.45.02.pngСнимок экрана 2022-09-16 в 15.45.17.png

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