copy html page and paste into confluence. results in images being cropped

Bulbul Bhojpuri February 3, 2022

Step 1: Go to any webpage


Step 2: Select Text with images.


Step 3: Copy the text using either Ctrl+C or Right-Click Menu.

Step 4: Paste into the Confluence Page


Step 5: Similar for html documentation with images from the Discord documentation website.

The image preview doesn't come up properly.



Observed Outcome: The image is cropped or not previewed properly.

Expected Outcome: The image should retain its full content and not be cropped.

Also observed: Copying the image individually and pasting retains the proper image without any cropping. Works properly if done this way but cumbersome if the page contains many images.

Issue occurs in both Chrome & Firefox Browser with Windows 10

Please Help!

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Brant Schroeder
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February 3, 2022

@Bulbul Bhojpuri Welcome the Atlassian community

In both cases you are coping content that will end up being hosted by the provider you are copying it from.  Thus if they change it or block you then you will not be able to see it.  That is what Discord is doing.  They block it so you can not see it unless you are on their site to cut down on bandwidth costs or prevent individuals from stealing content. So you would need to download the image and upload it to your page.  The Microsoft image just needs to be resized.  You can do that by dragging the image bar on the side, see image below.

Screenshot 2022-02-03 224557.png

Bulbul Bhojpuri February 4, 2022

Hi. Thanks for the quick response. I understood the reasoning behind the Discord Copy/Paste Failing BUT it works for Google Docs & MS Word Online.




In the Microsoft Documentation one, image is still cropped after copy/paste with HTML text.

I tried to resize it as you mentioned but it just enlarges the cropped image instead of revealing the details of the full image.


The strange thing is that after publishing the page, it looks okay. My guess is that in edit mode it is about 4:3 ratio  while the original image is about 16:9 ratio.

Step 1: Copy paste HTML. Image is Cropped.


Step 2: Viewing after publishing. NOT cropped.


Step 3 : Re-editing again. NOT cropped.



It seems a minor hitch for now but one has to cross fingers not knowing if the published version would contain the crop or the full images. 

Thanks again

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