contributors by label

Jesper Jordan July 18, 2024

the contributors macro does not show the users who added a specified label.


  1. add contributors macro
  2. choose "label" as contribution type
  3. set the label 
  4. current space and page
  5. save
  6. add the label you set before

expected result: macro shows contributor
actual result: no label message shown

Does anyone have the same problem?

Could it be because of Confluence Free (up to 10 users)?

1 answer

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Barbara Szczesniak
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 18, 2024

@Jesper Jordan Welcome to the Atlassian Community.

Looking at the documentation for the Contributors macro (, it looks like:

  • the macro lists the users to added a label
  • and you can further limit the list to contributors that added specific labels (though I think this would still give you an aggregate, not per label)

I don't see any way to specify which labels the person contributed.

I thought you might be able to somehow combine this with the Labels List macro (, but I'm not sure how.

Jesper Jordan July 18, 2024

Hi Barbara,

thanks for the reply.

I think I did not explain well enough what result I expect:

When I add the label I defined in the macro I would expect my name to show up in that macro.

That's how I understand the documentation:

|| Labels | none | Filters the list of contributors to those who created the specified labels from a page. You can specify one or more labels, separated by commas. ||

Kind regards

Barbara Szczesniak
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 18, 2024

I think we just interpret this statement differently.

It seems to me that the way to accomplish what you want would be to add a Contributors macro for each label, which would be ridiculous, especially since it would not account to new labels someone creates. 

There might be some way to do it with automation, but that is not available on the free plan.

Hopefully, another member of the community will have a better idea.

Jesper Jordan July 18, 2024

That is exactly my use case!

I have three labels I want to track for each page.

I want to see who added label a, who added label b and who added label c using three macros on that page. Thing is no matter which config for labels in that macro I use the result is always "No contributors found for: labels on selected page(s)".


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