confluence task list filtered by current user

Kishan Vyas August 20, 2017

Trying to dynamically filter the task list based on the user that has logged in. I am trying to get a dynamic intranet landing page where I want individual task lists and activities displayed.

Can't find a solution where no coading required.

2 answers

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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August 21, 2017

It may not be ideal in your case but logged in users can view the tasks assigned to them in their profile,Assign,andViewTasks-Inyourprofile

Kishan Vyas August 21, 2017

Hi Jobin

Yes, I am aware of that option. Thanks for posting your note though. I am looking to get it on the landing page. I am surprised that this option is not obvious. This can be done easily on JIRA boards but not in Confluence!



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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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August 21, 2017

Yeah, it is an oversight. An additional option in the task report to show tasks for the current user, instead of a specified user, would have been nice.

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Andrey Khaneev _StiltSoft_
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August 20, 2017

Hello Kishan,

You can filter Task Report macro with Table Filter macro by currently logged in user.

Kishan Vyas August 20, 2017

Thanks Andrey,

It looks like it will solve the problem. I was hoping for a free solution though...



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Kim Trask July 31, 2023

Hi @Andrey Khaneev _StiltSoft_ do you have a way to accomplish this on Confluence DC version 7.19? This is what I am looking for to dynamically generate a completed task list for the approaching user as opposed to a fixed user.

Stiltsoft support
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July 31, 2023

Hi @Kim Trask ,

Yes, we support Confluence Data Center 6.7.0-8.4.0.

Wrap your Task Report macro in the Table Filter macro an add a dropdown filter for the 'Assignee' column:

Tue 12-1.png

Select the @currentuser option from the filter menu, and the Task report macro will be automatically filtered by the logged in user:

Tue 12-2.png

Kim Trask August 1, 2023

Thanks, @Andrey Khaneev _StiltSoft_


I had attempted this yesterday prior to receiving this feedback, however, many of our tasks either do not mention an individual (thus, do not have a value in the "Assignee" field, or mention several individuals in the issue (thus, only the first @-mention is added as the assignee. The header filter for the assignee column will not meet our requirement and filter the task column is not available.

I tested a work-around by establishing a "whole table" filter in the Table Filter macro configuration and pointed it to "@currentUser," this does populate a closed Confluence task list for the current user, but it does so in a cumbersome way. It takes our roughly 800 closed Confluence tasks and displays them on roughly 20 tabs (maximum per tab is 40 tasks) but blanks-out where a @currentUser is not mentioned in the task at all. So all users see all 20 tabs and need to click through to find pages where they are mentioned. The gold-standard is still profile>tasks>closed tasks.

My users want to display Jira open-v-closed on the same page as Confluence open-v-closed. The Confluence display is still sloppy in-page (out of profile).

I will try to merge the Jira and Confluence lists using the Stiltsoft macro set to see if I can filter, then combine to shorten the lists. Just thought that there would be an easier elegant display for closed Confluence tasks for a given dynamic user because filtering the assignee column will not work for us per my first paragraph in this post.


Let me know if you have somethin else for me to test.




Stiltsoft support
Rising Star
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August 1, 2023

Hi @Kim Trask ,

Unfortunately, the Task Report macro has its own pagination and we try to support this macro as best as we can.

To set a global filter is indeed a good workaround for your case.

We can also suggest looking into the Handy Macros for Confluence app - it's another app developed by our team. As you are working with tasks, maybe you'll find useful their handy dates and statuses (you will be able to change them from the page view mode), handy reminders and advanced task reports.

You may visit a live demo and check the main features - hope they will suit your needs.

Kim Trask August 7, 2023

I will live with the global filter until a better solution presents. Also what works, using an iFrame macro to the Profile/tasks URL as it isn't parked with a specific user.

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