blog has vanished but individual blog posts are there in my personal space

drobertsondatagene May 29, 2023
  • In my "personal space" in Confluence I have a blog with a lot of posts.
  • Until today I could see a blog view in the sidebar with the list of these posts as a history.
  • They have now vanished. I can see individual blog posts in my list of confluence pages, but I can't see the blog as a whole.
  • The "blog" view appears to have vanished, which makes finding previous blog posts near impossible.
  • I can see a "blogs" section in the left sidebar, but no blog appears, it just says "this is space blogs" - I used to be able to see a tree of blog posts.

is this a setting issue? or is Confluence having some kind of outage?


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drobertsondatagene May 30, 2023

this seems to have been fixed. No changes from my side.

I did log a job with but no response to the support request either.

possibly related to the outage that occurred about the same time??

drobertsondatagene June 7, 2023

issue has returned - has anyone else seen their Confluence blogs changing in behaviour in a way that reduces the usability?

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January 14, 2024

Hi droberts, I'm in the same position as you. I have many blogs in my personal space. I sometimes refer to them, this is important history for me.

Can you confirm that you can see blogs going back further than November 2022? For a little while now it's looked like it's just stuck infinitely loading for older posts and I'm really suspicious.

Seeing as we both have similar usage I'd interested to confirm.

drobertsondatagene January 15, 2024

I just checked and right now the blogs seem to "hang" with a spinning circly thing going back past November 2023 which is annoying.

Plus the "blog tree" view in the sidebar vanished a while back which is real annoying as it was useful, to be replaced by a blogs option that goes to the now malfunctioning blog overview page.

ditto, this is my long term work log that I use to get a lot of info when working and it's annoying how the cloud version changes behaviour or stops working sometimes.

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drobertsondatagene May 29, 2023

Another "space" in my organisations  Cloud Confluence is also missing the blog. Nothing has changed on this space otherwise, the content and settings are quite static.

Could this be related to the "partial outage" in Search mentioned in ?

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