background colour for table header

MJ November 12, 2021

I'm new to Confluence. I love how I can copy and paste a table from a Numbers file into confluence at it keeps the formatting:

Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 13.01.39.png

However, when I add a new column, the cell at the top gets a white background, and there doesn't seem to be a way to get the colour to match.

Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 13.03.35.pngThe closest colour is grey which looks odd next to the others:

Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 13.08.16.png

Any suggestions? Can I either force the new column to have the same formatting as the existing ones when created, or manually apply the existing colour to the new cell? 

2 answers

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Carolyn Phillips August 28, 2023

Hi MJ,

One of my colleagues who was unaware of this issue in Confluence cloud managed to get the colours she wanted by copying the text in a table cell in Word with the correct background colour and pasting it into the table cell in Confluence.


I was amazed as I had resigned myself to the rather insipid colour pallet available. I will be using this hack from now on.


MJ August 28, 2023


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Pavel Junek
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November 12, 2021

Hi @MJ,

Welcome to Atlassian community!

I'm afraid this can't be done. The background color in the table header can be changed using CSS, but this change is restricted for Confluence Cloud


MJ November 15, 2021

Hi Pavel, thanks for the response.

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