automatic restart of confluence

Александр Гаврилюк November 27, 2018

I put the file "startup_bundled_jre" and the file "shutdown_bundled_jre" on the automatic launch of shortcuts, but the files do not start and, accordingly, the application does not stop and does not start every day. I would like to debug an automatic restart of the confluence.
Tell me please, has anyone encountered a similar problem?
What are some ways to solve it?

Tried to make a service for confluence, tried various task schedulers and other standard Windows tools to debug Confluence restart.

Help please.

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Yoga Reddy {Appfire}
Rising Star
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November 28, 2018

Hi @Александр Гаврилюк,

What is the version of Confluence you are using? The best way is set the service script in the "Services".  In order to do so, you can review this page. If you have not followed these steps, it is suggested to set the Confluence on Windows as a Service. 



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