Would like to add guest accounts for my confluence notes

Omar Duran May 3, 2023

I have an extended team I work with outside of my own LIFE3 organization that I would like to share my Confluence notes with

I see that there is a guest option on Confluence but am not sure of:

  • How to add guests outside of my organization to share specific notes
  • How they will receive an invitation to join specific Confluence notes for viewing and editing

I tried going into the Admin dashboard, under settings, then proceeded to Directory and could not find Users option or tab for adding guests to my account

2 answers

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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May 3, 2023

Hello @Omar Duran 

Did you follow the instructions available here?


Can you share a screen image with us of what you see? Obscure any confidential information of user information.

Omar Duran May 4, 2023

Hi Trudy,


Yes, I followed the instructions in that link you provided

I took the following steps:

Admin Space > Directory > (no Users) page

I am using Safari on OSx

Here is a screen shot

Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 5.29.00 PM.png

The team members I want to invite are external to my organization and therefore will not share the same domain as me. Please let me know how to proceed or if I need to meet with a rep to help me through this.

Thank you,

Omar Duran

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
Community Leader
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May 4, 2023

Try looking under Products and selecting the site to see if you can access User Management at the site level. To access it from Directory I believe you would have to be an Organization Admin.

Omar Duran May 5, 2023

Hi Trudy,

Thank you for your response. I see that this approach would require me to pay for additional seats.

However, on this link: https://support.atlassian.com/confluence-cloud/docs/invite-guests-for-external-collaboration/

it says, "Guests are free of charge (up to 5 guests per paid user)".

How can I go about inviting guest users to Confluence?

Also, the page mentions this as a, "Beta" feature. Is there anything I need to do on my end to activate it?



Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 5, 2023

In my own Free Confluence subscription I see the option to invite Guests under the Users option under the Directory option in admin.atlassian.com. I am an Organization Admin for my environment.

I was supposing that you did not see Users under Directory because perhaps you are only a Site Admin in your environment. I thought if you saw Users under the Products/Site then you might see the Invite Guests option there. Are you saying that you have found the Users > Invite option but it doesn't include Guests? Can you share a screen image?

The next thing I would suggest is contacting the Organization Administrator(s) for your environment to see if they are able to access the Invite Guests option.

If they are not, then since you are on a Standard (paid) subscription I would suggest you contact Atlassian Support. They would be able to look at your environment to determine if there was some reason the Invite Guest options isn't available to Site or Organization admins.

0 votes
Omar Duran May 12, 2023

Hi Trudy,

Do I need to verify my www.life3.io domain here to invite guests? This what I see when I go to Directory. See attachment.Confluence Directory Screenshot.png


I see invite links and options but I do not think that this is how guests would be invited to view my Confluence notes. Would I have to pay for additional licenses to share my notes to external members from those on my Standard Confluence subscription? See attachment.

Confluence User Access Setting Screenshot.png


This is my organization and I am the administrator on the account.

Is there a way for me to share access to notes on Confluence without having to pay for additional licenses?



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