Working with ConfiForms...

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November 28, 2018

I want to set the CreateDate when an entry is made to a ConfiForm. I ant to be able to perofm some other custom action so I made use of ConfiForm IFTTT Macro but can't get ti to set the value to the field. 

I also want to set the titleField form a ConfiForms Form in a ConfiForms TableView to show up as a link by rendering the urlField from the ConfiForms Form as the destination. I currently have urlFiled.asLink(titleField) in the Field name of the ConfiForms Field in the ConfiForms TableView, but the titleField is not rendering.

Appreciate any guidance or advice.

2 answers

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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December 9, 2018

Each record in ConfiForms has a set of metadata fields built-in for each record. You don't have to define them - they are just there.

One of the fields holds exactly the value you need, and it's called "created" (without quotes). As @Davin Studer has previously noted

See more on ConfiForms documentation


To answer your second question, I suggest to put an "autolink" field into your ConfiForms Form and set the pattern you want to construct these links dynamically.

Why the "urlFiled.asLink(titleField) " you have does not work for the "titleField" is because the function "asLink" does not support variables in the parameters at this point.

Again, using instead the "autolink" field allows you to construct your links dynamically and based on the pattern you give

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Davin Studer
Rising Star
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November 29, 2018

The created date/time is automatically set when you create an entry. It is a hidden field called created. You don't need to create a new field for that it's already done for you.

Fred Bunting December 8, 2018

That addresses the first question, but not the second.   (This probably should have been two questions.)

I'm having the same problem. The asLink virtual function works with no argument (it constructs a well-formatted HTML link).  But when given an argument, as in asLink(titleField), it fails. Not only does it fail to use titleField as the display text for the link, but it fails to build the HTML link at all -- urlField.asLink(titleField) just returns the value for urlField, not wrapped in any HTML <a> tag.

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