Wiki setting

Jason van Heerden July 31, 2018

I would like to add an element when creating new pages/ blog posts that has the option to untick notify watches. This functionality exists on existing pages but not when creating.

2 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 9, 2018

When you are creating a new page, there are no watchers.  There can't be because there is nothing to watch.  So there's nothing to do here.

If people are getting notified about new pages, it's because they have chosen to watch the  space, and that means they choose to know about new pages

Jason van Heerden August 9, 2018

hi Nic when we create a new space or page by default the person creating the space\ page becomes a watcher and I think this is what the user is after , to turn if off once created.

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Tansu Akdeniz
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July 31, 2018

Hi  @Jason van Heerden,

Please follow these steps;

  1. Go to Confluence Admin  -> Custom HTML
  2. Click Edit button
  3. In the At end of the HEAD field, paste the following script.

<script type="text/javascript">
AJS.bind('init.rte', function() {
  AJS.$('#notifyWatchers').attr('checked', false);

But this is for EDIT. If someone watches the space, they may be notified when page is created. 

Jason van Heerden July 31, 2018

hi Tansu

So this is when I create new pages?

Jason van Heerden August 6, 2018

Thanks Tansu, but this did not work for me.

The request was for a specific user in our environment and they wanted this option for thier specific space and pages, so when they create a new space or page,they want the watcher turned off for the new space or page, we do not want this set as a global option for all users.

So we tested this in our lab, when creating a new space and page and it did not work, the watcher is still turned on.

Tansu Akdeniz
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August 7, 2018

Right @Jason van Heerden, this is for EDIT.

Jason van Heerden August 7, 2018

sorry I am not understanding your last comment?

Jason van Heerden August 8, 2018

has anyone have any ideas regarding my request?

I hope it makes sense?

The request was for a specific user in our environment and they wanted this option for thier specific space and pages, so when they create a new space or page,they want the watcher turned off for the new space or page, we do not want this set as a global option for all users.

So we tested this in our lab, when creating a new space and page and it did not work, the watcher is still turned on

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