Why does style macro in Confluence not correctly format every section of the page?

Sandeep Dhindsa August 7, 2018

I have created a confluence page with 3 'span' macros. 

Each of these span macros have a class "template".

I have created a style macro for the template reading: 

.template {

font-family: Calibri;

color: black;

font-size: 14.5px;


However, only 2 of the 3 spans work for this template. Why is this?

2 answers

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Sharon Hinde
Rising Star
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August 9, 2018

Hi Sandeep,

whenever I'm struggling to override Confluence styling in the editable page area I add .wiki-content to the front of my styles.


.wiki-content .template {
your styles...
Shawn February 22, 2019


can you give a full example on how to do this?

Sharon Hinde
Rising Star
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February 25, 2019

Hi Shawn,

can you tell me what you are trying to achieve and then I can give a more accurate example.


Shawn Edstrom
I'm New Here
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February 26, 2019

Hi Sharon,
I really am trying to figure out how to indent bullets

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Robert Reiner _smartics_
Rising Star
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August 7, 2018

I'm quite bad with designing with CSS so I probably should not try to give advice ...

... but whenever I'm puzzled about selector issues, I finally find a selector that is more specific than the class I have defined. Maybe this is the case in your context, too?

Maybe have a look at Specifics on CSS Specificity?

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