Why do Labels not Work in Confluence Cloud When Using Content Report

Aaron Shapiro August 18, 2020

First, I'm sick of trying to find answers for issues with Confluence Cloud. All I ever find are answers for issues with self-hosted versions of this software. Where is all the cloud documentation? Where are all the cloud answers? You built two separate products, how about supporting two separate products? So I'm done trying to find answers since it's a terrible mess trying to sort through what works on cloud and what doesn't. It's all backasswards.  Instead I'm just coming here and asking a question every time I have an issue. I'm done wasting MY TIME and my COMPANY'S TIME on trying to find solutions. 

Second, I'm trying to use labels and the content report however nothing is showing up in the content report. On a self-hosted version this is due to indexing however in the cloud hosted version there is nothing you can do about indexing. Nor can I find the interval for which indexing happens on the cloud. Nor can I find any information on the cloud version other than "yeah that feature doesn't work on the cloud". 

I'm over trying to use this cloud version of the product. If we move on from Confluence Cloud we are moving on from Confluence and Jira together. Right now we are paying for 100 or so users and not at all happy with the disparity in features and functionality. 

Plus cloud is sooooo slow. 

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