Why can't I connect to multiple confluences using the same email?

Deepa Bhat
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August 13, 2018


Our organisation uses Confluence for internal wiki using SSO tagged to my company email address - firstname.lastname@company.com. Now I'm invited to access another organisation's confluence using the same enterprise email address.


My user journey from email invite link to launching confluence to access the other organisation wiki was not so great - full of glitches.

Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at 16.18.45.png


  1. At first, I experienced the error page and was blocked from accessing
  2. Tried with a different account and didn't work either
  3. Used reset password to access other org's wiki
  4. Now, my access to my org's wiki was revoked and reset password resulted in creating a new user! which had to get to get sorted using admin's access!

Suggested Solution

  • Decoupling one-one mapping and change to one-to-many
  • Consider making this journey frictionless and intuitive
  • Include meaningful error messages and signpost the user


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 16, 2018

Hey Deepa,

I'm a developer with the Identity team at Atlassian. It looks like a combination of different things all happening at once for you from what you described. Without more details I can't check out exactly what happened. The most important thing I want to check first is that your access to your sites you expect to have access to is working as expected right now. If not absolutely raise a support request at https://getsupport.atlassian.com/ and we can help you sort that out. 

Secondly if you'd like us to investigate a bit deeper what happened in your particular circumstance, again I'd get your to raise a ticket at https://getsupport.atlassian.com/ and get them to escalate to the Identity team and we'll see what we can piece together. 

We always appreciate the feedback, and just to make sure I've answered the actual question, you absolutely can have your account associated to multiple confluences. Your Atlassian account is global across all Atlassian products and can be associated with any number of Atlassian sites and products.

Hope that helps,

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 16, 2018

I definitely second the suggestion of raising a support ticket; there is clearly a lot going on here that is specific to your circumstances.

Worth noting though is that Atlassian accounts can be members of multiple sites; there is no "one-one mapping" as described in the question.

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