Why are internal links all Javascript blocks?

Daniel Rose
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August 18, 2020

Hi All,
Using the new editor, creating links (either with insert, or by using the [Notation]() method) creates links which appear to be Javascript, in a little box with a blue icon. Like the below. The link type remains like this, even if the link is to a define page.

2020-08-19 10_19_41- Confluence.png

This type of link presentation is very annoying for rendering the page. The links interrupt the flow of the text, and do not render until above the fold. On pages with lots of link they take a few seconds to render.

It is far, far preferable to have a regular link style - like DokuWiki has for example. A single link looks like this.

Is there a way to change this formatting?

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 21, 2020

Hi Daniel,

Welcome to Atlassian Community. It's nice to meet you!

The format you are seeing is the new feature known as Smart Links. You can read more about that in this announcement:

When copying and pasting a supported URL directly into the editor, it will be displayed as a Smart Link. If you don't want the Smart Links to display, you can do the following:

  1. Type / link in order to paste the URL and choose your own link text.
  2. Type ctrl+z (cmd+z on macOS) and the Smart Link will revert back to the URL.

You can see an example below of how those various methods will work:

2020-08-21 12.23.01.gif

Finally, since people want to be able to choose whether or not the Smart Card behavior occurs, I created a feature request a while ago for this:

  • CONFCLOUD-67922 Ability to dismiss or disable Smart Card behavior for links

If this feature is something you'd be interested in providing feedback about, feel free to book some time with our Product Manager who is working with the Smart Link feature.  You can find information on how to do that in the feature request's Description field.

I hope this helps, but let me know if you have any questions or trouble.

Take care,


Daniel Rose
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 23, 2020

Thanks Shannon,

That makes sense. Is there a way to create an undefined link that is not a smart link? When using /link it seems like it is not possible to insert an undefined link, but

 [Link Text]()

inserts a smart link.

Thank you

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 24, 2020

Hi Daniel,

We recently started re-releasing the Undefined Page links feature in the new editor (ref: CONFCLOUD-67129). From what I can see on the announcement blog, it does create a smart card link, as you're experiencing:  

If you click on the smart card, you can click Edit link and you'll be able to copy the link format of the undefined page. It will look a bit like this:


You can then create a plain text link using that URL instead to avoid the smart link. Using ctrl+Z won't work in this case.

Let me know if you have any trouble.

Take care,


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