While importing the word doc to confluence the format is getting disturbed

Likhita September 26, 2023


While importing the word doc to confluence the format is getting disturbed, We are looking for importing word documents without losing data format.

Can anyone recommend any plugin or technique to do this and also could you please suggest any plugins related to excel calculations, tabular format for confluence.



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Dan Breyen
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September 27, 2023

Hi @Likhita welcome to the community!  I took a quick look on Atlassian's Jira site (jira.atlassian.com) regarding this.  I would suggest voting for and watching them so they can get some traction to get resolved. CONFSERVER-58314 CONFSERVER-56192 CONFSERVER-41626 

I know it doesn't solve your immediate need, but should help to correct this issue down the road.

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